For Such a Time as This…

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Have you ever been blindsided? Hit with an unexpected blow, just when things seemed to be going well?

This is where I find myself this week.

Could this be an attack of the evil one, who “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Does he see my stubborn resolve to walk in faith despite my circumstances, and fear the progress I’m making toward freedom and abundant life?

Or maybe it’s the complete opposite.

In His infinite wisdom, does my loving, heavenly Father know that I have made just enough progress to be able to handle dealing with the next layer of brokenness?

Either way, I do not like finding myself in this place.

Not.  One.  Bit.

This week, I was hit with some news that left me reeling. I was literally shaking and felt sick in the pit of my stomach. To explain, let me take you back a couple of weeks…

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Stones of Hope… Guest Submission

Hello sweet friends,

I am so excited today to be launching the very first guest submission on Incremental Healing ~ as together we share stories of how God is redeeming our brokenness for our ultimate good, and for His glory.

I’d like to introduce you to a very dear friend of mine. She was the very first person who was sadly able to comment, “I understand better than I wish I did.” Although I am always sad to hear that another person has suffered like I have, there is something so powerful and comforting in knowing that you are not alone. A strong friendship has been forged between us, and I can always count on her love and support.

My friend blogs under the name Liz Tinnea at her site Our Unseen Hope – Surviving Abuse in the Church. She shares her story of how she sought the help of her pastor to deal with the trauma of early childhood abuse. Sadly, this person took advantage of her brokenness and vulnerability to manipulate and abuse her further. The consequences of his selfish choices have caused much heartache and pain.

Despite all she has been through, Liz has an amazing resolve to find hope and healing in the arms of her Savior and Lord. I pray you will be blessed by her story…

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Liz’s Story…

My husband and I were both raised in a home with alcoholic fathers.  It’s interesting to note that our fathers actually carpooled to college together. We met when I was 19 and my husband was 28.

Now here we are going on 25 years later and parents of three wonderful children.  We have stumbled through our marriage together, tripping and falling over the stumbling blocks that our parents’ addictions and abuse have caused to be put in our paths.

My husband was manipulated most of his life by his Dad. He was physically and emotionally abused. He watched his mother and brothers suffer in the same way. I was mentally and sexually abused by my father.

When we married we thought just being together we could overcome our pasts and be the parents our parents were not, but we were naïve.

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Versed in Truth… 1st Verse for May

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I shared last week about the baby dedication that we were planning for my youngest child, and about some of the family drama that was causing me anxiety and stress.

Thank you so much to those of you who prayed, asking God for His peace and favor for our special day – praying that He would bless the desire of our hearts to dedicate our child to Him. We stood before family and friends and declared our intention to raise our daughter to love and honor her heavenly Father. We committed to teaching her His precepts and showing her His love.

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Stones of Remembrance… And Invitation!

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Welcome, Sweet One! I am so glad you’re here! I am both nervous and excited to share what God has been speaking to my heart over the last little while. He began by revealing a fascinating aspect of His character – that He is a God who absolutely loves stories. Does that truth captivate your heart the way it does mine?

Can you imagine sitting at His feet someday, and listening as He shares stories of our time on Earth – perhaps explaining the abundant blessing that poured out of our hardships, although we could not recognize it at the time? Imagine Him smiling fondly at you, and asking you to share about a time you were faithful – simply because He is so proud of you, and wants the others listening to hear! These thoughts fill my heart with anxious anticipation of that day!

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