Just Listen…

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I am directionally challenged.

Exceptionally so.

Those who know me best would agree, and have often been entertained by stories of my ineptitude.

Like the time I left the Toronto Zoo and drove over ½ an hour in the wrong direction, simply because all of the cars in front of me had turned right at the first major intersection, and I figured that must be the way to the highway.

Note to self – Just because everyone else is headed down a certain path, does not mean that it’s the right way to go!

I share all this to help you understand my worries about getting lost in the forest when I was at 3 Crosses a couple of weeks ago for the listening retreat…


One of the men in our group had been to the retreat centre before. Some of the other guys were teasing him about how he had gotten lost in the forest the last time he had been there.

That’s all I needed to hear. I started worrying. I was sure I would get lost – that I would mess up the whole experience.

I shared my worries with the leadership, and they assured me the path was clearly marked and that I should have no trouble.

Should have no trouble,” I thought skeptically. I was convinced that I would prove otherwise.

When the time came for the prayer and listening walk to begin, Pastor Jeff prayed with me – that God would quiet the distractions and help me to focus solely on Him. He thanked God for his plans for my life, which included bringing me to meet with Him in the midst of His beautiful creation.

After Jeff prayed, I was left sitting alone on the rough-hewn bench, listening to an MP3 recording which began with a story of a Jewish rabbi. This man was seen walking a mountain path in Jerusalem – quietly and serenely – while the world rushed around him to ‘experience’ nearby holy places. When he was later observed, journeying slowly back down the mountain, there was a wisdom and a peace about him, as one who had been with the Lord. A reminder of the truth found in Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”


There was an opportunity to journal before leaving the bench and beginning the prayer walk. I wrote out my prayer to my loving, heavenly Father…

Dear Lord,

I thank you for today. For this place. For the beautiful sunshine, Lord. Thank you for reminding me that YOU chose for me to be here. It was not my choice or my decision. Thank you. I pray that you would protect me from preconceived agendas of any kind, Lord.

I sensed Him answer…

My ways are far above your ways. My best for you far exceeds your wildest imaginings. Breathe, my child. Just breathe. Don’t worry. Let go of all your cares, your striving. There is no wrong way for you to experience me here if you just listen. Rest in me. Trust me. I have your very best at heart. I will guide your path and protect you. You are my precious child. I love you beyond measure.

My response…

Thank you, Lord. For your words of love. For your grace and protection. For understanding the words I needed to hear. I pray you would continue to open my ears to hear your voice speaking to me.

As I began to walk along the narrow forest path, my attention was drawn to the patches of light from the sun that filtered through the canopy of trees. There was a vitality about this light. It danced with the swaying of the branches above. I sensed the Lord speaking to my heart and reminding me that He is the light of this world – that He shines His light, His love, into the darkness – into our world, a place desperate for hope. He lights the path for my steps through the gentle guidance of His voice, and through the wisdom given in His word.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”   Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)

I thanked Him for blessing me with this revelation of His presence – for reminding me that He is the light of the world, and that because He is with me, I do not need to fear. A truth I knew, yet in that moment I sensed it more deeply. His presence with me was real, almost tangible. I felt safe and my worries about getting lost, or somehow messing up the experience were gone. He took my fears, and gave me a deep sense of His presence and His wondrous peace.

Within fifteen minutes of starting the three-hour listening experience, I was already broken and crying. So thankful for His words of love lavished on me, one so undeserving.

As I kept thanking Him for His grace and love, I sensed Him whisper…

You are most welcome, my precious child. I am thrilled to have this time alone with you in my beautiful creation – no distractions, just us – together. My heart is blessed by this gift of your time, your devotion, your heart for me.

Sweet Friends, I am fully convinced that these words were spoken to my heart by my loving, heavenly Father. I know that the evil one would not speak such words, and in all honesty, I would not be so kind to myself.

I know that when I was first introduced to the idea of communing with God in such an interactive way, I was extremely resistant. I did not want to become involved in anything mystical that was not of God. My Pastor has spent countless hours pointing me to Scriptures and answering my questions. I hope to write more on this topic in the near future. It has become a passion of mine.

God speaks.


Are you listening?

May God richly bless you with His words of love,


Linking with: PurposeFul Faith, Jennifer Dukes Lee, Chasing the Blue Flower, Holly Barrett, Coffee for your Heart, Suzie Eller, Faith BaristaSusan B. Mead

20 thoughts on “Just Listen…

  1. Dear Kamea,
    Beauty is in this, because He is the framework that surrounds it. Your words, prayer, and sharing touched my heart and ministered to me today. Regularly, I have made time to just sit an listen to Him speak to me, but busy schedules and busy living have limited that once saced time of waiting to become rushed. I need to come back to that quiet resting, seeking and listening daily in order to meet the demands of my expanded living. Without Him infused in all I do, it is fruitless to expect His complete grace in the harvest also.
    Thank you !


    Liked by 2 people

    • Sweet Dawn,

      Thank you so much for your beautiful words of encouragement. It brings joy to my heart to know that you were touched by my sharing. It is quite a vulnerable thing to share that the God of the universe has spoken to my heart, but I long for others to experience His love in this life-transforming way, just as I have. It bring such a confirmation to my spirit to hear others share that God speaks to them in similar ways. So true that busyness seeks to steal the “sacred time”. May we encourage one another to take the time to quiet ourselves in His presence, and be blessed by all that He has to offer.

      Much love,


  2. Wow, Kamea, this quote is so timely for our day, “Just because everyone else is headed down a certain path, does not mean that it’s the right way to go!” Stopping over from #TestimonyTuesday.

    Liked by 2 people

    • So true, isn’t it, Katie? Applicable in so many ways in our busy world. Our culture tells us to strive to achieve, God invites us to rest. Culture demands we earn our approval, while our loving Father promises us unconditional acceptance, just as we are. His ways are certainly far above the best this world has to offer.

      Many blessing to you, sweet friend,


  3. Love!!!! You have such a sweet presence in your writing, Kamea! I love the words God spoke to you, “My ways are far above your ways. My best for you far exceeds your wildest imaginings. Breathe, my child. Just breathe. Don’t worry. Let go of all your cares, your striving. There is no wrong way for you to experience me here if you just listen. Rest in me. Trust me. I have your very best at heart. I will guide your path and protect you. You are my precious child. I love you beyond measure.” God always speaks His love to us. Most of us have not yet learned how to quiet ourselves enough to hear Him! Blessings to you!
    Lisa Murray

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dearest Lisa,

      Your words of affirmation warmed my heart just now. It means so much to hear you say that there is a sweet presence in my writing. I long to share God’s love, as I know how learning the truth of how He sees me has changed everything! Thank you for affirming that God does speak to us. I value your wisdom – I know I haven’t known you long, but I see God’s wisdom in your words and receive your words as godly counsel. I consider it a privilege that you take the time to bless and encourage me.

      Much love,


    • Amen, sweet friend! He does speak. He longs to bless us with His words of love. May we quiet ourselves in His presence and receive the blessing!

      May you be richly blessed,


  4. Oh man. Can I relate to this – for I too am directionally challenged. UGH. It’s a curse. But you turned around your fear, your attitude, even though it was not your plan to be there, and God blessed you for it! Such wisdom in the Scriptures – thank you for sharing all the verses. And the illustration of the rabbi. So many of us are rushing here and there to experience holiness when what we really, truly must do is be still and know that He is God, surround ourselves with the Scripture and give it all up to Him in prayer.
    Blessings on you today, Kamea!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, Ruthie, I have even managed to get lost while using my GPS 😉

      The Scriptures instruct us to be still and know that He is God. We are invited into quiet rest – not because He is interested in having us follow rules, but because He knows what is for our best, and He longs to bless us!

      Blessings and hugs,


  5. Kamea, thank you so much for providing a taster from some of the precious time you’ve recently shared with God. It’s a joy to hear from Him like this, isn’t it? Our hearts do need to quieten and be receptive to His voice and open to the words we hear. This is such a beautiful moment and one I’m really glad you have shared. Since the beginning of this year God has been calling me to a deeper abiding in Him. He gave me the word ‘listen’ last year and built on it with ‘rest’ for 2015. I’ve also been blessed to hear sweet ‘Prayer Whispers’ as I call them and I’m excited to see you’re on a similar contemplative journey. Keep listening, friend! You’ll be glad you did. 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sweet Joy,

      Not only is it a joy and a blessing to hear my loving, heavenly Father speak words of love to me like this, it is absolutely life-transforming! As I hear Him lavish me with affection, I receive a glimpse into the depths of His love for me.

      I love the words that God has blessed you with – listen and rest. They really do go hand in hand, don’t they? I love your term, ‘Prayer Whispers’ – absolutely beautiful and describes the experience so well.

      May we both continue to listen to our Father’s words of love,

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Kamea,

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and finding encouragement for your climb up this mountain! I sensed your heart and just had to come by to read your story and get to know you. I wasn’t disappointed. So heartfelt and such a passion to seek the healing that is available in Christ. I am humbled by your spirit!

    Isaiah 30:21 is a verse I keep in my heart ready at all times. This life has so many unknowns, but we can trust that we are making the right choices if we keep ourselves in tune with Him through His word and His spirit. It has provided me so much comfort throughout the years. Especially in these last years as I have had to make so many important decisions regardiing my daughter’s health.

    Thanks again and I will without a doubt keep you in my prayers as you continue the journey to healing!

    Blessings and smiles,
    Lori (Searching for Moments- http://www.lorischumaker.com)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Welcome Lori,

      I am so glad you stopped by, and am blessed by your sweet words of encouragement. Thank you for affirming my passion to seek full healing for the hurts I have faced in my life. I am fully convinced that God will redeem all of my brokenness for good, and I am excited for the opportunity to share the journey with others. In a way, this is a part of the promise fulfilled – to be able to encourage and bless others in the midst of their trials because I understand what it is to be broken. Thus, there is purpose in the pain. It is a privilege to be invited to join my heavenly Father in the wondrous work of healing that He is bringing to pass in the lives of His children.

      I will pray for you and your daughter. I look forward to getting to know you better, sweet one.

      Blessings and hugs,


  7. God does speak and I love how your prayer experience led you straight into the arms of God. I find that walking is the perfect time to listen intently and it is during these times that God speaks to me. I have one particular garden where I walk and God shows up every time. Thank you for the blessing of your words today. Keep writing and sharing how God is working in your life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sweet Mary,

      I love that you have a special garden where you and the Lord can enjoy precious times of communion together. I am glad that you were blessed by reading my words – thank you for returning the blessing through yours.

      In His love,


  8. Beautiful Kamea. Isn’t it the most amazing thing when God speaks? There is power in that! Love hearing your words, God story and the power of this walk. Keep writing, it’s beautiful. Cheering you on from the #RaRalinkup with Purposeful Faith.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So true, sweet Kelly. There is so much power in hearing God lavish us with His words of love – power to stand strong against the lies of the enemy who constantly accuses us and tempts us to doubt in God’s goodness and His promises. May we encourage one another in the faith – to listen to the quiet whispers of truth, and stand firm against the shouted lies! Our heavenly Father is so very fond of us!

      Much love,


    • I smiled as I read your comment, Sarah. We will be directionally challenged together then 🙂 We are each gifted differently, and I accept this as a part of my reality.

      Much love,


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