Love of a Father…

Flower Girl

It shouldn’t surprise me.

This wondrous love of my heavenly Father.

Yet, somehow, it never ceases to amaze me when He reveals the fullness of His affection.

During a meeting with my Pastor last week, I shared that I have been feeling ‘stuck’ in my journey toward healing. I know that I have made tremendous gains in coming to understand the depths of God’s love for me. He has graciously surrounded me with love and support over the past few months, especially from many of you who have blessed me beyond measure with beautiful words of encouragement. Although there have still been difficult days, it has made a world of difference knowing that you are there to compassionately ‘listen’ as I share my heartache and brokenness. So thank you!

My loving, heavenly Father has also blessed me with a renewed strength that I know could only have come from Him. He has helped me to stand firmly against the lies of the evil one, saving me from spiraling downward into the pit of despair. I truly have much to be thankful for!

But the sense of being ‘stuck’ persists. The journey feels stagnant. There has been little, if any, moving forward. As he often does when there is no straightforward answer, my Pastor suggested we pray and ask God why things seem to have been put on hold.

As we prayed, I sensed God speaking to my heart, telling me that I do not have, because I do not ask. The Pastor opened his Bible, and showed me James 4:2, “…you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it” (NLT).

“Have you been praying for God to heal you?” he asked.

I had not. At least not for a while. God had promised to heal me, but had revealed that the process would be lengthy and difficult. I believed that God would keep the promise He had made, and thought that my part was to wait patiently for His perfect timing.

“No,” the Pastor objected gently. “Just because God has promised you something doesn’t mean you don’t have to pray for it.”

He reminded me of the parable of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18). Her request was granted because she would not stop asking. She was not willing to give up. Then we discussed Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10) who shouted out relentlessly for Jesus to have mercy on him. Many in the crowd became annoyed with his continuous yelling, and told him to be quiet. Bartimaeus only shouted louder, until Jesus finally heard him and granted the desperate cry of his heart.

“Would he have received his healing,” my Pastor asked, “if he had listened to the crowd and sat quietly by the roadside?”

Probably not.

Like the widow and Bartimaeus, we should be persistent in making our requests known before God.

There are exceptions. Times we are clearly told that the answer is no. Paul prayed three times that God would remove the “thorn in his flesh”, but each time God responded, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” (2 Cor 12:9). But unless we, like Paul, have received a clear ‘no’, we should keep on praying.

My Pastor likes to say it this way…

Don’t take no for an answer, until you know that the answer is no.

I was to be persistent and bold in my prayers. Making agreements with the promises I had sensed God making to me, and fearlessly asking for His healing touch in my life.

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

Hebrews 4:16 (NLT)

So that was the plan. Bold prayers for healing.

But then life happened…

Two of my close friends experienced crises in their lives that week. A dear friend was diagnosed with cancer, and another received a troubling report after a routine prenatal ultrasound.

I prayed adamantly, repeatedly, and with great passion. I boldly asked for healing and complete restoration for both of my friends. I poured out my heart in desperation, pleading with God to intervene in both of their lives.

By contrast, I realized that my prayers for myself were weak, inconsistent, and faithless.

Why the difference?

I met with my Pastor again today, and we discussed that very question. It soon became clear that I felt unworthy. My friends were certainly worth God’s time and attention, but was I?

My Pastor prayed and asked that God would reveal His thoughts on the matter. I sensed Him whispering to my heart of hearts…

I love you deeply, with a perfect love.

So much, that I sent my Son to die for you.

The price was extravagant,

but you are worth it.

Worth the pain of every betrayal,

every lash of the whip, every minute of suffering.

You are so precious to me.

My Pastor explained that there is a big difference between being unworthy and being undeserving. None of us are deserving of the grace that God has shown us. We have done nothing to earn it. But worth is vastly different. The worth of something is determined by the price that someone else is willing to pay for it. An old vase that a collector is willing to pay a million dollars for, is worth a million dollars regardless of what I may think of it. Jesus paid an extravagant price for us. He considered us worth the cost.

My Pastor asked I could remember the first time I believed the lie that I was unworthy. I thought back to my childhood, and could picture myself as a young child, cowering before my angry father. My eyes brimmed with hot tears as I explained to the Pastor how the harsh treatment at the hands of my father had filled me with feelings of unworthiness, guilt and shame. I believed that I deserved to be hurt and intimidated; that I wasn’t worthy of being cared for, protected and loved.

The Pastor  gently encouraged me to close my eyes and see if the Lord would reveal a picture of how Jesus thought I should have been treated. I immediately pictured Jesus crouching down and inviting that little girl, who was me, into his warm embrace. His eyes danced with joy as He spoke to her and listened intently to what she had to say. I could not hear most of their conversation, but I clearly heard Him say, “I take much delight in you, my precious child”. The little one smiled widely and began twirling in her white dress – peeking over to see if He was still watching.

All of a sudden, I remembered the poem that I wrote recently to express the hurt and brokenness that I experience as a result of my father’s rejection and harsh discipline. One stanza, in particular, stood out in my memory…

But I needed a daddy.

Someone to watch me twirl in dresses, and tell me I was beautiful.

Someone to love me unconditionally.

To be a place of safety, and an example of Jesus.

I longed for that.

Tears streamed down my face as I realized what my heavenly Father had just done for me. He had heard the cry of my broken heart, and lovingly chose to fulfill my longing – not only through the precious vision, but also by revealing to my heart that He has always been there, and has been my Abba Father all along.

He never ceases to amaze me – this God who is Creator of all things, sovereign, and all-powerful King, and yet willing to stoop to this tiny, blue, speck of a ball to pour His love and grace into the lives of His precious children. We are not deserving, sweet friends, but He has deemed us completely worthy!

Blessings and hugs,



Photo credit:

30 thoughts on “Love of a Father…

  1. I’ve found that I often don’t ask until I’m really desperate. I’ve seen Him work in amazing ways during those times. But during those times I don’t ask or am not able to even put two words together in a prayer I take comfort in knowing He is faithful even when I am faithless… He prays for His children with groanings too deep for words…He cannot deny Himself. I am so glad that we are His. Definitely, we cannot ask too much…we have not because we ask not at times…but I take comfort that no matter what He is sovereign and as His children He loves us so very much. Thank you for sharing. I love your honest heart. You are such an encouragement to me. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sweet friend,

      I find myself in that place too. Knowing that I need to ask for help, and that I really should, but just not have it in me. Reminds me of the words of Paul, “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.” Romans 7:15 At least we know we are in good company!

      Thanks for reminding me that when I do find myself in these times, that I am covered in prayer by Jesus himself, who advocates for us before our Father, and by the Holy Spirit who prays for us in groanings that words cannot express. Such wonderful and comforting truths.

      Much love to you,

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dearest Katie,

      So glad to have you here. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. The difference between being unworthy and undeserving spoke hugely to me as well. It makes so much sense when explained in the way my Pastor shared.

      Many blessings,


  2. Hi Kamea! Your pastor sounds like a wonderful, insightful person. What a blessing that God called you together. And I really benefitted from your journey here too. I am in a waiting period, trying to heal from my broken leg, and trying to figure out my next steps too. It’s hard when I don’t keep praying for light and insight. I LOVED the part about keeping on praying, even if you have the answer you need. I didn’t realize that. You better believe I’m going to start praying with more fervor!!
    Bless you,

    Liked by 1 person

    • You have no idea how much your comment means to me, Ceil! Sometimes I feel discouraged, not knowing if sharing my journey is really helping anyone – other than myself. I am thankful for the personal encouragement that I receive here each week, but I do long to be a light for others as well. I am so excited to hear that God is encouraging you to pray fervently and persistently that His perfect will would come to pass. Hope your leg is healing well. I’ve said a prayer for you just now.

      Blessings and hugs,


  3. Dear Kamea,
    What an honor to meet you, to walk a few steps with you on this journey toward healing. I’m so grateful for the way God puts people in our lives to help us along the way and your pastor sounds like a special counselor in this endeavor. Bless your heart for sharing your story and reaching out to encourage others in healing as well. I’m so grateful you stopped by the Blue Flower today 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sweet Laura,

      It is an honor to meet you as well, and to have you visit and share your kind words of encouragement. My pastor is such a blessing to me. He would be quick to tell you he is not a counselor, but I know that he walks closely with God, and ‘listens’ for God’s still, small voice to guide him. This filters down into the godly counsel he shares with me, and has made such a difference in my healing journey.

      Many blessings,


    • So blessed to have you visit here, Ginger. My pastor really is such a wise man. I’m glad that you were able to benefit from the wonderful truths he is sharing with me.

      Many blessings,


  4. I find myself recently re-learning how to pray. Asking for things I never thought to ask for myself. Just as you wrote that we pray more, harder, better, and with fervency for others why not for ourselves? I’m learning and trying. Thanks for this great reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

    • How wonderful! There is so much power in prayer. We live so short of the promise of abundant life in Christ – I think a lot of that has to do with lack of prayer – especially for ourselves.

      Many blessings,

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sweet Carmen,

      I agree that stories of healing are so powerful, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. My loving, heavenly Father is doing a great work in me. I am humbled by the way I see His hand at work in my life. It is a difficult, but exciting, journey!

      Blessings and hugs,


  5. I praise God that he showed up for you Kamea. I praise God that he is at work through you. I love your pastors words about not taking no for an answer until you know the answer is no. Great words. Much love to you. God has you on an exciting journey – that is for sure. Cheering you on from the #RaRalinkup on Purposeful Faith.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My dear friend,

      Yes, all the praise to our loving, heavenly Father – I am not deserving of any of the grace He has shown me – but He has deemed me worthy. So amazing and humbling!

      May God richly bless you, just as you have been richly blessing others in His name!



  6. “None of us are deserving of the grace that God has shown us. We have done nothing to earn it. But worth is vastly different. The worth of something is determined by the price that someone else is willing to pay for it. An old vase that a collector is willing to pay a million dollars for, is worth a million dollars regardless of what I may think of it. Jesus paid an extravagant price for us. He considered us worth the cost.”

    Goodness, sister. What amazing truth to start the day with. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Welcome sweet one,

      So glad to have you join the Incremental Healing community. Isn’t the lesson my pastor shared with me so simple, yet profound. To the degree that we are able to understand and apply this truth, it is truly life changing!

      Much love,

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dearest Jenny,

      Thank you so much for your prayers. It is a powerful thing when several people pray in agreement toward a specific goal. I am so glad to have your visit today. I hope to chat again soon.

      Many blessings,


    • Sweet Aimee,

      I am so blessed by your words, especially that your heavenly Father has spoken to you through pictures too! I am convinced that He is truly speaking to me, but confirmations such as your comments gives, help to settle unwarranted doubts.

      You are a blessing,


  7. Pingback: Extend Grace… | Incremental Healing

  8. Pingback: Extend Grace… | Incremental Healing

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